Mangia Paleo

Nutrient-Rich Bone Broth – My First Post!

The name itself sounds primal, right? Bone broth is packed with nutrients and vitamins which is great for gut health, joint health, and much more. It contains glycosaminoglycans like glucosamine to help your joints. Bone broth also boosts collagen and leaves your hair, skin, and nails looking more awesome than Michelle Obama’s arms. Drinking bone broth when you have an ailment like Ulcerative Colitis is great because the gelatin gets all up in the intestinal lining and says, “dude, seriously, calm down. I got this.”

It’s basically the Wolverine of food.

Some people drink it as a detox because of the amino acid that helps your liver. But I just think it tastes really good and it’s like liquid meat…which is awesome.

bone broth ingredients

This is a great staple to have in the home because, let’s face it, store bought broths/stocks aren’t the best for drinking. They are packed with salt, soy, yeast, and other preservatives that you aren’t supposed to put in a healing liquid. Below are the simple ingredients to my beef bone broth. However, chicken/turkey bones work great too. I also save my leftover bones in the freezer and make this when I have enough for one batch.


  • 5 pounds beef marrow bones (or any bones you wish)
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 large onion 
  • 4 whole garlic cloves
  • 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • bay leaf
  • Water to fill

1. If your marrow bones are sliced, sear them for about 2 minutes on each side. If they are long and whole, bake in 375 degree oven until the marrow seeps out a bit (about 20 min). Knock out the marrow when they are done. Save the marrow for eating or cooking. YUM!

2. Then add the bones to the crockpot with cider vinegar. Fill with water just enough to cover the bones. You’ll need to save room for the veggies later.

3. Cook on high for about 10 hours. Experiment with the times for your taste preference, but I recommend the longer the better.


4. After the bones have been simmering for 10+ hours, take them out of the crockpot and set aside. Next, roughly chop the carrots, celery, and onion into 4 inch chunks. No need to peel anything.

5. Add veggies and all other remaining ingredients then add a few more bones until the water line is back up to the top. (You may add some water, but this may cause your bone broth not to gel as much…which is okay! Still the same nutrients) 

6. Cook on low for another 3-4 hours. 

7. Strain the solids and discard. Store the broth in your fridge or freezer.

bone broth
I find that cooking the veggies for a shorter period of time at the end of cooking makes them less bitter and gives a rounder taste to the broth.

After it’s cooled in the fridge take it out and scrape off the fat. You should notice that the broth is gelatinous. That is great. Once you heat it up it will return to liquid. Drink daily or use in other recipes. 


30 thoughts on “Nutrient-Rich Bone Broth – My First Post!

  1. Rachel O.

    Laura- I’m very excited to follow your new blog! It’s inspiring to see a friend and fellow UC victim be so proactive. Great job! Will surely be making some bone broth this weekend!

  2. Charlotte (aka Mom)

    I can tell by this first post that I will be learning a lot from this blog. So our roles are changing! And now I know how to make bone broth. Awesome!

  3. Pingback: If you eat soup that’s nine days old you will get bad broth | crumbsoffthetable

  4. Aljamin S.

    In Las Vegas, we have access to a restaurant that serves Ox Tail Soup. Very similar to what u have started here! I’m going to use your method but I’m going to use Ox tail for the bones n marrow! It’s customary to add cilantro for an extra punch in flavor. It’s also served with white rice BUT cauliflower rice would work just fine for me!

    Excited for your blog “Giada of the Paleo World”! 🙂 Happy eating!

    1. mangiapaleo Post author

      sounds delicious! I usually drink the broth plain for health and cleansing purposes. But I will definitely be making some clinatro lime cauliflower rice on the blog soon! 🙂

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  7. Kristen

    I am assuming you can make soups (like chicken and random vegetables) with this broth? I’ve been on a huge soup for lunch kick lately..but kind of want to find a better alternative (less salty and processed,but also easy) to cans of soup.

    1. mangiapaleo Post author

      Yes, of course! I freeze a few batches and use it for soups and stews. I also add it to stir fry veggies or anything I need to add water or moisture too while I’m cooking.

  8. kristen

    So, I just threw the bone and mire poix into the pot and let it go. Is it normal for beef bone to have a really strong smell? Google result say yes, but I’d like your thoughts.

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    1. mangiapaleo Post author

      It may depend on how long you cook it for and also the bone to water ratio. Try it for at least 12 hours on a low simmer. Or use more bones. 🙂 Hope that helps!

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