Mangia Paleo

Maple Chili Sweet Potatoes

If you’re bored with your usual side dishes try experimenting with sweet potatoes. They are very versatile because they are delicious when sweetened or savory! In this recipe I do both. Mind BLOWN.

If you’re monitoring your carbs just go easy – everything in moderation. But remember carbs are not bad! In fact these soft and sweet treats are great for boosting energy and aiding your muscle growth, too.

This recipe is barely a recipe because it’s so simple. Check it out.



  • 3 medium sweet potatoes
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup



Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the ends off the sweet potatoes. Slice in half long ways. Slice those halves in half again until you’ve cut the potato down into 3 inch long wedges. Toss in olive oil. Sprinkle with chili powder. Place in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes, flipping once. After 20 minutes or until tender take them out of the oven and drizzle on the maple syrup. Place on middle rack and switch to BROIL on LOW. Let the sweet potatoes broil for 5-8 minutes or until the maple starts to brown. 



8 thoughts on “Maple Chili Sweet Potatoes

  1. A

    Super simple. Super delish. A dash of cinnamon will brighten tge chili powder and compliment the maple syrup. I look forward to making this side dish. Thanks.

    1. mangiapaleo Post author

      I don’t have a problem with maple syrup if that is what you are referring to. I do not eat other syrups since they aren’t paleo. However, I do try to avoid spicy foods. I used to LOVE spicy food and hot peppers. Now it definitely aggravates my bowels.

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