Mangia Paleo

Sautéed Kale and Carrot Ribbons


I will spare you and will not recite all the benefits of eating kale. You probably already know that leafy greens are packed with nutrients. And I’m sure you have heard the push on how kale is rich in antioxidant vitamins. So I won’t talk about how it’s a great source of Vitamin K, iron, and calcium. I also won’t need to tell you that, from someone with an inflammatory disease, kale is my go-to food because it has anti-inflammatory properties. You must know that it contains more vitamin C than spinach and more calcium than milk. Right?

So like I said I won’t need to highlight kale benefits because you already know. 😉

And if you don’t know…now you know. It’s all good baby bay-bee.


This is an Autoimmune Protocol, SCD, Paleo, GAPS diet friendly dish.


  • 1 large kale bunch 
  • 3 medium whole carrots
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 large red onion
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • Generous sprinkle fresh parsley (chopped)
  • Olive oil
  • S&P to taste (omit pepper for AIP)



Use a peeler to shave the carrots into ribbons. Tear off 2-3 inch pieces of kale.  Peel and julienne an onion. Chop garlic. Set everything aside in a bowl. Congratulations. You just prepped all your veggies!

Next, lightly coat the bottom of a stove-top skillet with olive oil. Add onions and garlic. Sauté on medium heat until onions get tender.

Next, add carrots for another 2 minutes – just to soften them. Kale cooks pretty fast so by layering the ingredients during cooking you ensure they all will cook the same.

Add kale with lemon juice, zest, parsley, and S&P. Stir until kale is wilted but still has green color and body to the leaf. 

Serves 2-3 as a side dish.

Double or triple this recipe as an awesome pot luck, picnic, or BBQ crowd pleaser!
Got leftovers? Add some to eggs for a breakfast frittata.



13 thoughts on “Sautéed Kale and Carrot Ribbons

  1. Pingback: 10 Foods to Fight Inflammation | Mangia Paleo

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